Animal Jam North

Animal Jam North

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Leaked Llamas?


Leaked images of llamas in AJ are all over youtube! Could this mean they may come out? If they will come out, they will probably be in the Diamond Shop (insert sad trombone here)

Here's one of the leaked pictures! 
It looks weird because llamas aren't suppose to be out yet! 

                                            Here's the story behind the pictures! 

A couple of weeks ago, a user called 1231 hacked a llamas onto his account. He made a youtube video about it, but later deleted. Later, AJHQ found out he hacked a llama and banned him. Someone must have taken a screenshot or something and the photo went all over the internet. 

If 1231 managed to hack a llama, they will probably be coming out because it is in AJHQ's files.

               I got the photo off Libertyy AJ's video, click the link below to watch it!
                                                Have a jamtastic day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to Become Rare + Leaked Den Pictures?


Have you ever stepped into Aldan, find a whole room full of rare people, and thought "Man, I wish I could be like them..." Well, it's possible if you put a lot of effort into it!

First, you'll want to do adventures like the Forgotten Desert if you're a member or Return of the Phantoms if you're a non-member. These adventures can give you good rares especially the Forgotten Desert. The Forgotten Desert can give you good member rares like spikes, beards, and den betas. Return of the Phantoms can give you good non-member rares like pirate swords, rare bows, and worns.

Once you have a satisfying amount of rares from the adventure, try to get into Aldan and trade them for better colors. If you have the best color though, keep it! Try to have most or all of the colors and don't trade away duplicates away yet!

Go through the adventure a couple of more times to try and get duplicates. They will come in handy while trading.

Once you've hopefully gotten some duplicates, go into Aldan again and trade for items with better rarity or multiple rares that equal the same rarity as your item. Try to do both! 
Ex: 2 Short collars = 1 Bad long collar

Rinse and repeat

This method will work until these adventures stop giving out rares! Enjoy!


Did you see the "Coming Soon..." page in the Jamaa Journal? Thought it was a new land, right? Well, you could be wrong! Check out this leaked image!
                                The circled part is the part in the Jamaa Journal

Looks cool, eh? I think it does. It reminds me of the Hamptons! Judging on the look and size, it's probably going to be in the Diamond Shop (insert sad trombone here)

It actually doesn't look like those humongous dens where you don't even have to decorate because it's so huge. This would be a great den to make a house, no, a mansion, out of! 

      I got the picture from Spirit Jamaa's video, click the link below to watch it! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

RIM: Rare Football Helmet!


Hut hut hut! This Monday's Rare Item Monday is a Rare Football Helmet,  it's sea green with a light blue stripe going down the middle and a grey cage.  
                           This hyena looks ready to rumble in this helmet!

The helmet is being sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 650 gems, pretty cheap for a Rare Item Monday!      
               I'm sure any animal you put this helmet on will look like a total beast!

                                That's all for now folks! Have a jamtastic day! ^-^


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Enchanted Earth Series 1?

Ello! I'm Stars and I'm just starting the Animal Jam North! Today I will be talking about the new Enchanted Earth Series 1 toy line! ^-^
Don't they all look so cool!?

I love the designs of these new animals, especially the wolf! We can also get a glimpse at what the toys may look like in the newest Wild Explorers, take a look on the table....
It's a hyena!

Hmm... It kind of reminds me of those Skylanders figures.... 

Now it's time for the story behind these little guys!

In February 2015, AJHQ made a deal with a company named Commonwealth Toy & Novelty. A site called Kidscreen says that these toys will come in plush animals and figurines, like the little hyena! This toy line is stated to start later this year! I can't wait!

If you want to read the full article by Kidscreen, click here!

Have a jamtastic day!
